I cannot say enough good things about Browns. They go above and beyond to make sure you get a fair deal. I have a used car -2004 -with several miles on it - but it is paid off. Dealership told me it needed all new ball joints and controller arms and it was going to cost me $2200 and plus an additional $660 for the rear end. I said I don't have that amount to put into it. At that point the dealership could have said you could just do this for now. I took it to Browns- he said all it really needs is a upper right ball joint and that I had time to drive on it for a little while without that - $270. This is the secondd time I have taken my car to them and found out it didn't need to be so much to repair the car - I would recommend them to anyone! I won't take my car to a dealership ever again. It would be like throwing money out the window.