Do not move here, the price will go up every year but NOTHING will ever be upgraded in your place. the people are nice until they owe you something or dont agree, then things become very ""shady""\r
everything is done to ""look good"" (or not so good in my opinion) but nothing is ever FIXED!!!! also you better just know that you WILL NOT EVER get your deposit back no matter how much you do to the place. \r
please if you do move in note EVERYTHING and I mean EVERY little thing on your move in sheet and if they agree to anything get it in writing and you keep the copy not them. they will doc you at move out for everything including things that was already there or things that is normal for a rental place. \r
take it from me who has rented 6 places always good feed back and never lost a dime of my deposit anywhere until here..... I recieved a BILL in the mail instead of a check for my deposit!!!!!