This is a terrific place to learn how to be in your body, how to become physical if you never have been, and how to channel it if you already know how to work with your body. Even when I go to class feeling grumpy and exhausted, I leave feeling sane and peaceful. I never feel like I'm competing with jocks who are better at everything than me -- yet there are a lot of really awesome, powerful women there who workout every day. The place has a great mix of women of all body types, ages and abilities. There are classes most days of the week to pick from, and there is also free child care, which saved my life when my kid was small. The teachers are supportive and the classes are fun. There are also karate classes for kids, and a teen self-defence program, all under the umbrella organization: The Center for Anti-Violence Education. I think the best way to see if you would like it is to drop by and try a class. They have a website where you can check out the class schedule, etc., if you google bwma brooklyn.