What can I say about this place except that I'm so glad I'm out? Just kidding, I think. Brooklyn Tech is considered one of the best New York City public schools, along with Stuy and Bronx Science. I didn't study nor did I finish my entrance exam (I had a good 5 pages left at the end of the test because 1. I am slow and 2. that test bored me to tears), so I don't think admittance into Brooklyn Tech is that big a deal. There are many other non-specialized high schools with equal or maybe even superior education (i.e., Midwood). I don't think I learned anything from my years at Tech besides the fact that I am horrible at cheating, and know absolutely nothing about telnets, pings, C++. As another poster had written, Mr. Hoftyzer was definitely one of my favorite teachers; however, that hasn't changed my opinion on chemistry, which I still hate.