I've always been a ""do-it-myself"" type of person, especially when it comes to working out since trying an unfamiliar workout among a group of people makes me self-conscious about whether I'm fit and coordinated enough to do the moves.
Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp, however, is great. This is a group class that I enjoy doing and don't feel insecure during. I've done the weekend morning classes on the bridge. The instructors are encouraging, provide directions on proper form, and push you to keep going. The class works legs, arms, and core, but emphasis is on legs with many reps and sets of various squats and lunges with and without resistance bands. Overall, you get a full-body workout that involves cardio and strength exercises, using resistance bands, your own body weight, and interval exercises at stopping points as you run across the bridge and back.
The bridge isn't crowded with tourists until closer to 10 a.m., so dodging tourists and having space for the exercises isn't much of a problem during the 9 a.m. class. The more annoying aspect is when they take photos of those of us working out. What, they don't have exercise where they come from? But during the boot camp, I'm too focused on making it through another set of jump squats to notice the tourists much.