Somewhere in 2005, Master Hawaii Boat Builder Gary Brookins did some research and discovered that the contemporary needs of rod 'n' reel and spear anglers alike weren't being met by the boats, new and used, available to them. Instead of guessing what the fishermen wanted, he solicited their input. Boy, did he get an earful. People were hungry for practical innovation. They were tired of being slammed around and perpetually wet. The result is what I suspect is the smoothest, best-appointed and driest fishing boat ever built for Hawaiian waters, the Makau 23. It's BIG (LOA, 23'10"") Trailer-legal (9' beam). And one guy can get it in and out of the water. It lies still while drifting, doesn't wander in following seas, and the fishermen stay DRY. I rode a Makau from Lahaina, Maui to Keehi Lagoon, Honolulu in big, rolling seas. The only time I caught any water in the face was when heavy crosswinds on the open ocean blew sea spray across the cockpit. You can get an open boat, an express model hardtop, two kinds of Hawaiian cabins, even a fly bridge. Pick an engine configuration (I/O, O/B, I/B). And then customize the basic vessel to meet your precise needs.
Pros: Built to order, so you get exactly what you want.
Cons: Built to order, so you can't tow it home today.