My granddaughter attends. Class size for the younger girls is way too large to facilitate individual attention.\r
Regarding the annual performance, I travelled to Kyle to go to one. It was way too long, and I realized as I looked at the program that I was sitting through several numbers with the same 6 or 7 older girls in them in order to see the one my grandchild was in. And the program was very long. The costumes for the younger girls were absolutely precious, but they did not know the choreography. My daughters took dance years ago, and they learned their dance numbers at that age, probably due to more individual attention. One last comment regarding the performance: the theme was ""Songs of Michael Jackson""! This is well after it has been established that the man is probably a pedophile. I thought that was a poor choice for theme. There are so many other composers/musicians out there who are positive role models.\r
As I said, the younger girls' outfits were beautiful.
Pros: pretty costumes
Cons: large class size