My 1st time experience at the car wash was not very good. First I pull in I guess the wrong lane and all I here is " These stupid non reading ass people" Then another car almost does the same and they say"damn theses are some supid ass people dont they know how to read".
S when I went to go pay for my wash I told the cashier that the people were very rude and she calls the manager in,GUESS WHAT! The manager was one of the ones saying those things. So he asked me who it was and I looked at him and said "you were out there wernt you? Then to top it all off when they were done with my car I did not smell no air freshner, they did not wipe the inside of my car because the dashboard was still dusty, mt mats were still dirty, and my windows were smeared. Now I did not pay $18.93 for that kind of service. All they kept complaining about was that it was cold outside and why do people get there cars washed in the cold! It is not the customers fault that they picked a job where they knew they would have to be in the cold. I call the store when I got to work and asked for the number or e-mail address for the managers manager number and the lady said that he did not have one and that he was the boss! Thats crazy all managers have a manager above them. I plan on getting intouch with the coorporate office or someone. I will never go there again and will not recommend them to anyone.