This is the worst Precinct I have ever been too. I feel terribly ashamed by the service these officers provided. The place was disgusting. The customer service was horrible. Are these Officer's professionals or??? I am so glad I don't have to call upon this Precinct in any life emergency. I feel afraid for this community. Something must be done about this Precinct. I am here visiting from Maryland and my wallet was stolen from my vehicle. All I wanted to do was make a report due to the fact that my identity may be stolen. First thing these fine well trained Officers ask for was an ID. Are you serious? I just told you my wallet was stolen. They weren't able to file a report due to the fact that they needed an affidavit from the bank. I just made the report with the bank I have no affidavit. They wouldn't even file a stolen identity report. The Officer states it's all or nothing. I am currently serving in the United States Army, I needed this reported. I asked so, then I have to come back all the way to NYC to make this report after I receive this document from the bank? Female Officer "" you can mail it in"". So now I have no report no license on me and I am here for a few more days. Male Officer "" oh we won't give you a hard time you in the Military"". What if I wasn't in the military? Am I suppose to drive around without a report? What a waist of tax payers money. I am so proud I don't call me myself a New York City Officer. I am proud to say I serve the people of America the way they should be serve