More Than 90 years Experience in Antique Restoration and Polishing.
Since 1922, locally-owned and operated Brinkman's Silver Plating and Repairing has been providing quality metal repair and restoration to the Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN area. We're ready to tackle most any job from metal replating to straightening to soldering. We can repair such damage as scratches, bent and pitted metal and tarnished pieces.. Items We Plate Include:* Tea sets* Trays* Candelabras* Serving pieces* Caster sets* Flatware* Fireplace fenders Our Metal Polishing Services Include:* Sterling silver* Silver plate* Brass* Copper* PewterBrinkman?s assures you the finest metalsmithing services at affordable rates. Our Antique Restoration Includes:* Silver plating refinishing* Metal repair* Polishing* LacqueringBrinkman?s assures you the finest metalsmithing services at affordable rates. Our Metal Repair & Replating Services Include:* Silver Plating* Gold Plating* Cleaning and Polishing* Metal Straightening* Soldering* Sterling Flatware Repair* Silver Plate Repair* Pewter Refinishing