I was in line waiting to pick up my carry out order. An Indian woman rushed up near the counter and when it was my turn to pick up my order, the woman behind the counter attempted to wait on the Indian woman who rushed up to the counter ahead of me. I protested and quietly said, ""I think I was next."" The lady behind the counter refused to wait on me and attempted to wait on the lady who rushed in front of me. Her exact words to me were: ""Wait one minute."" Thankfully, the lady who rushed ahead of me realized what just occurred and said something to the effect of, ""Please go ahead,"" to the woman behind the counter and so the women behind the counter who clearly did not want to wait on me even though it was my turn in line grudgingly took care of my order . Nonetheless, I cannot go back to Brij Mohan because of this incident. In my opinion and from my feelings, the discrimination against me was based on race. The woman behind the counter was unfair and wrong to treat me that way.