Very disorganized! This BrightStar came to Chris Ridge Village offering an in-house service to those living in the independent living section. I hired them due to problems with another in-house service so I was very specific regarding what I was and wasn't going to tolerate from their service and their caregivers. It was more of the same, to the point I had to forbid one of the caregivers from entering my apt. due objectionable comments I was clear about not wanting to hear. Repeatedly caregivers not showing up to do safety checks, showers, linen changes etc. Shower schedules changed and no one shows up. I scheduled transportation to doctor visits which were not scheduled, also they sent a car that was breaking down, sent drivers that couldn't take a wheelchair, couldn't lift a wheelchair knowing I use a wheelchair. I hired them to provide all night care after an out-patient surgery and stipulated I would need someone with me when I got home because of general anesthesia; no one was there for almost an hour, another scheduling mix-up.
I would not recommend this company.