Stay away. No professionalism AT ALL. I had written them suggesting possibly adding some hours to their babysitting times.. since when I joined I thought that it would work but with my kids starting school it wasn't fitting into my schedule. All I did was email a suggestion, letting them know that the only club out there that offers full hours was the Atlantic club. The response I received from Jax (which was ok'd by the male owner) basically blew off my suggestion saying that the Atlantic club could afford to do so because of their membership fees.. what they didn't understand is that I would be willing to pay a little extra for a few days a week of added care, that by doing so that maybe they were going to increase their clientele by offering something that only ONE competitor offers.. that maybe it would benefit their establishment to at least poll the members there to see if it would benefit any of them.. anything really.. I pay $64 a month to work out there (which is considerably more then the $19.99 establishments all over that offer the SAME daycare as they do.. and half what the Atlantic club charges to actually give their clients what they want, 7 days a week day care with continual care.. seems that Brielle being so high in price range they could take care of their clients wishes and work on ways to make all happy.. I wasn't asking for everyday.. just a measly couple .. how much could that cost to keep a girl for 4 hrs.. ) Anyhow, when I went in to cancel my membership Jax was SO rude... when we began talking about my email, he got so nasty.. I told him I was only trying to make my membership work.. My annual membership had just ran out and I wanted to cancel.. then I was told I was put in a month to month contract and that I should have given 60 days notice to cancel... REALLY?! and now I would have to give that notice on the forced month to month contract. When I ask if they could meet me half way I would give a 30 day notice, especially since I was not using the membership, I was sneered at and told I would be held to the contract I signed.. and that I should be thankful that GOD JAX wasn't making me pay for April too, since the contract stated that I needed to give 60 days notice and it was the first and since Feb. only has 28 days that I was only giving 59 days and he could totally and legally charge me for another month.. I was so frustrated with the whole situation and this guys attitude that I shook my head and told him he was unbelievable.. at that point Mister Ego man says that's it and starts to write out another cancelation contract including April.. I was LIVIDE.. when the male owner came by (wish I could tell you his name, but when I asked Jax he said that they don't give out his name.. really you own the place and are involved in it's activities and you don't give out your name.. class act) I tried to get him to help me.. instead he said you know honey if you treat Jax nice he'll treat you nice.. ARE YOU F""ING kidding me.. is this the 50's and I'm not aware of the time wrap I just went through?!! Needless to say the owner told me if I wanted the original deal, canceling through March then tell Jax I will be nice... and through Gritted teeth I said oh yeah I will be nice... WHAT A JOKE... I only wish that in the heat of it I would have only remembered that this is a LEAP year and my notice was actually 60 days.. Needless to say, stay FAR, FAR away, they are a bunch of ego hungry meat heads.. that tell you it's in the contract and when somethings not (like a fabricated fee for $10 dollars that you have to pay them if you don't return you key fob.. which is not posted anywhere and NO where in the contract) they will tell you that's just how it is... Join a gym that cares about you and treats everyone with respect.. This place is a JOKE and I hope it gets shut down.