They looked at a few houses for me, and upon looking at the final house seemed like they were tired of doing their job; a job for which they were well paid each time. They skipped through the inspection in a rush while I was pointing out obvious issues to them, but it really seemed that they did not have their eyes open because we were looking at a newer built home. I knew little about what to look for, but I certainly could see some glaring problems that were thousands of dollars to fix that they never noticed.
Joe K, homestead inspections, was in a rush to tell me that this house was fine. How much of a rush? Walking in a room, turning in a circle, and walking right back out declaring things to be alright. His partner was equally hurried. I'd say I've put in around $2300 in work that these guys should have seen, and who knows, my guess will be 10-20K to fix a major problem that was 'no big deal'. I'm really disapointed that these guys started with a good attitude, and finished with such apathy.