When I walked in the receptionist was very unfriendly and rude. She did not even greet my daughter or me but asked rather shortly ""Who do you have?"" As unimpressed as I already was I still decided to go ahead and fill out the paperwork. My daughter was enjoying the salt water aquarium and the games. However, while filling out the paperwork I saw that they had a policy that prohibited the parent to come back with the child. This was my daughter's first trip to the dentist. She was nervous and neither one of us had met any of the staff before. So, I asked that since it was her first time could I accompany her back. The receptionist then told me that they would want her to try and go by herself. I then canceled the appointment and we left.
Yes, the office is nice and inviting but the receptionist wasn't and I found their policy to be unacceptable.
I personally wouldn't even give one star.