Brenda has performed Reiki massage on me on several occasions and to put it simply and honestly it was wonderful. I have a problem with one of my knees and her Reiki therapy actually reduced the swelling, allowed me to walk unhindered and without a limp, and was relaxing. I would recommend her highly to have her conduct a Reiki treatment on you. You will be astonished with the results, and you will certainly be relaxed and pain free after her administering her treatment on you. She is a skilled Reiki Master, and certainly knows her trade which she has trained for for several years. This is something you have to experience, as the results are phenomenal and unbelievably transforming. I highly recommend her as therapy and curative nourishment to your ailment, whether pain influenced, or plain stress. A must to experience.
Pros: Was therapeutic, relaxing, and wonderfully amazing.
Cons: Could not name any.