I regret having to write this negative review, yet my experience and that of a fellow reviewer under Yahoo reviews should serve as worthy notice. Like ?J?, I?ve experienced a lot of things missing. I had actually surveyed my storage locker the day before meeting Brenda at her shop. Flying home the next day, I was faced with having to turn my things over in absence of my being there. Naively, I chose to trust her out the gate without so much as a single online search of reviews, which had I done so and found ?J?s?, I?d not have sent my key and code as I did. Brenda said she would go to the unit, select what she wanted leaving the rest, then do an inventory of what she took. I then found a local person with a 12-year history as an authorized eBay PowerSeller and Trading Assistant hoping they might together cooperatively select what they wanted. Brenda was adamant that she be the first to select. Regrettably I consented, and upon receiving a hand-written, not-easy-to-read inventory I began to note items missing. Mentioning this to Brenda, she denied any were missing until pressed, when she finally affirmed she actually had two I mentioned. She continued to deny having the remainder of the 23 items I had identified thus far, including gold and silver jewelry. She even denied some were ever there despite the fact that I had to move them before being able to close the storage door. Since Sept 2011, I sent thirteen emails to her without reply. The reality here is; (1) items go missing, (2) once missing there is no recourse, (3) there is no guarantee that if one went to retrieve their things all would be retrievable, (4) the ?inventory? is NOT computerized nor reasonably functional, (5) there is absolutely no guarantee that the amount reported for a sale is indeed the true amount, (6) Brenda holds a consignee?s 50% of the sale of an item for three months. In sum, with the exception of a king size bed too big for her shop and an array of garage-sale level items she rejected that went to the EBAY seller - I turned over to Brenda my entire belongings included gold and silver jewelry (one with a precious gem), fine framed artwork, and more. Other than a first check for $291, I?ve nothing to show for it, will likely never regain the missing items, nor have any certainty w/re to the rest of it. Should Brenda honestly and fairly correct this situation, I will withdraw this review.
Pros: null
Cons: null