I found this office through a recommendation from the maternity ward at Pres/St. Luke. After interviewing Dr. Forschner, I felt confident in his care for us. Dr. Forschner has an amazing bedside manner and is compassionate, understanding, informative, and patient. \r
When we lost our first pregnancy to a miscarriage, he was compassionate to our fears and gave us an option as to how we wanted to handle the situation. He treated our second pregnancy with extra care by doing weekly visits in the beginning and multiple ultra sounds and ensuring us throughout the pregnancy. \r
Our child was born under an unexpected emergency a month early, while Dr. Forschner was out of town, and Dr. Williams actually delivered our child, and she did an amazing job. I can't say enough about both of them. They are both professional, caring, and well-experienced to know when to make the right call.\r
**The following paragraphs are updated and edited because previous comments are missing and to address a reply to my review**\r
My experience with the nurse mid-wife, Jeanne Bair, however, was horrible. I would not recommend her to anyone. Being a plus-size woman, she was extremely rude to me every time I had to have an appointment with her. \r
Her prejudice toward my size caused her to dismiss real medical concerns throughout my pregnancy. On several occasions, she made rude and derogatory comments. And the day before my son was born, she ignored the symptoms I told her I was having that week choosing not to examine them. \r
Her neglectful attitude was life-threatening to me. The symptoms I had were because of HELLP syndrome, a rare and fatal condition if not treated. She told me it was ""because the baby was just finally crowding me."" I ended up with an emergency cesarean under general anesthesia the next day because my organs were failing and my blood count was dropping.\r
So, in reply to jepmom: I'm so very glad to hear that you didn't have the experience I had. I'm grateful that you were treated so humanely, as any patient should be. However, it wasn't just a bad day with me or her. It was two years (additional experiences included after my baby was born), of abusive behavior toward me from her. I eventually requested that I never be placed under her care again.\r
Again, the rest of the staff, nurses, and doctors there are amazing. Dr. Forschner is one of the best doctors I have ever had the privilege of knowing. I would recommend anyone else there without hesitation.
Pros: Drs and most of the staff are amazing and caring
Cons: Not a fan of the nurse mid-wife Jeanie. She can be rude and derrogatory.