Who is Breathe California?
Starting as the TB Society in 1908 we still provide public health leadership today. We provide services to improve air quality and reduce the impact of Asthma in children, adults, families and communities. In addition, we work to reduce tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, and offer services to people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) such as Asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis to help them better manage their illness. We also support research to find cures for lung disease.
We appreciate your support! To find out how you can donate or become a Breathe California volunteer please call 1-877-3-BREATHE.
Part of our commitment to our local communities is to keep you well informed on various lung health issues. The newsroom hosts a wealth of information about lung health issues currently facing our community. You can check out the most recent developments in the agency's work by reading our press releases and newsletter s. We also scour numerous news sources for stories about lung cancer, influenza, clean air, tuberculosis, tobacco and air pollution to let you know what is happening in the world of lung health. As a result we offer a comprehensive look at local, state and national health news. Here are some ways that you can learn about lung health and what Breathe California is doing in our community:
Watch Breathe California media footage, Public Service Announcements and commercials.