You don't go to drive in theaters because you love the sound or picture quality. You go because it's so much fun to set up your lawn chairs, turn the truck around so the kids can lay in the back and snooze through the second feature, and fill up on lemon drops from the ramshackle, slightly suspect snack bar.
The Brazos fits the bill perfectly. I wish there was a drive in theater closer because there is nothing else quite like seeing a movie this way.
The Brazos lot is small and we ended up waiting in line to get in but we had no trouble finding a spot with a good view of the screen. There were families everywhere. I'm sure once my son gets a little older he'll be running around making buddies with the best of them.
It took us awhile to try this place out at first because they do tend to play the same movie a couple of weeks in a row, and they are only open on Friday and Saturday night. It is $18 per carload. Make sure to bring a cooler and a dinner if you want any kind of healthy food.
Go to the Brazos for a great, nostalgic Saturday night.