After trying out other mechanics in the area I gotta say, they are pretty much the best there is. The other shop down the street on 58th gave me a cheap estimate and then conveniently ""found"" something more expensive once work started.. What a bunch of crap! I took my car outta there and brought it to brakeorama and immeditately got it done. I regret not taking it to brakeorama from the beginning. Saving myself $20 is just not worth the headache and aggravation i had at the other shop. The guys at brakeorama found the problem with alternator but confirmed what i already knew.. It wasnt as serious as the other shop made it out to be. And you see, you dont do that to a customer! If you are a good shop, you dont need to scare people into getting service they dont need and that I cant afford.. I need to trust my mechanic and from now on, I only trust Brakeorama. The manager Danny was on point and polite and told me what needed to be done and also what could wait. He didnt try to convince you to fix it on the spot or push me into more expenses.. and that honesty for me is a deal breaker. You got a follower!