Brad Stoner Painting Inc. has work on many projects in my home since 2003. The company's prices are very competive;but it is not the primary reason why I choose Brad Stoner Painting for my painting needs. First of all the company is very dependable. When an appointment is scheduled, the representative or Brad himself will arrive "on time". To me, that is the "true test" of prfessionalism.
The painters are dedicated to their company. Many of the painters have worked for Brad for many years. The painter(s) arrive promptly at the scheduled appointment time. They are very courteous, neat and clean. They even wear booties over their shoes.
When they are prepping the room or rooms to be painted, the painter(s) are very careful in protecting your large pieces of furniture, counters, kitchen cabinets, other large items that need not be moved and flooring.
The painter(s) are detail oriented but also work efficiently.
After a project is complete, the painter(s) always ask me to inspect their work.
Within a week of a completed project a Thank You note is always sent.
I have always had an excellent experience with Brad Stoner Painting. I will definitely use the company for future painting needs.
I highly recommend Brad Stoner Painting Inc.
Thank You.