Nora's tailor shop delivers handmade clothing and gorgeous LA fashions that arrive within a week to be fitted to your specifications. An accomplished seamstress, Nora will help you find the perfect gown and shoes to match, make repairs and alterations on everyday clothing, or direct you to other appropriate retailers if she can't be of service. Service is prompt and professional, reasonably priced, and high quality.
I ordered a custom bridesmaid dress online from an overseas source, and it didn't fit. Three weeks before the wedding, I stumbled into Nora's shop, desperate to find something in the short amount of time I had left! She quickly assessed my figure, picked out the perfect dress, and ordered it in my size. When it came in a week later, she altered the straps and added darts, reinforced the ribbon rosebuds that decorated the bodice, and sent me to a place done the road where I snapped up a pair of heels for $10. Her motherly advice and professional expertise were above and beyond my expectations.