Botanical Health Care is based in Joliet, IL, and serves clients throughout Will, Dupage, Grundy and Kendall counties. Our residential landscape specialists are experts in woody plant disease, insect and pest problems, and lawn pests and diseases. Let us help you with the maintenance of your property, including pruning and renovation.
Call on us for a variety of tree, shrub, and perennial care needs:
? Insect and disease control
? Pruning
? Renovation
? Fertilization
Our plant pathologists offer plant fertilization and supplements, and can keep you informed about plant growth regulations and fruit tree programs. We have an I.P.M. specialist to manage your tree and landscape disease problems.
Our experts are licensed, certified, and insured.
Call Botanical Health Care today for a free estimate!. Commercial Landscaping|Commercial Tree Service|Edible bush plant establishment|Fertilizations & Plant Supplements|Insect Pest Problems - Japanese Beetles,Borers|Lawn|Lawn Pests & Diseases|Orchard establishment|Perennial|Pet memorial gardens|Plant Growth Regulators|Programs for Fruit Trees|Shrub|Specialists in Woody Plant Diseases - Anthracnose,Dutch Elm Disease|Tree