Boots2Roots is the only organization in Maine specifically focused on preparing active duty military members up to a year before they begin their transition for immediate success in Maine, while providing a pipeline of new workforce talent to Maine Employers.Who we work with:Active duty military members and their families who are planning to transition to Maine, up to a year before they come to Maine.What we provide:Personalized self-assessment, resume, and interview coaching, peer mentoring, Maine business connections, and local networking. Boots2Roots two primary goals:That transitioning active duty members will:Find meaningful employment within two months of arriving in Maine and remain in their first post-military job for at least one year. In addition to our commitment to meeting these goals, our peer mentors are dedicated to helping our Teammates connect with all necessary community contacts before & during transition to Maine. For example, realtors, veterans organizations, school referrals, industry contacts, etc.