After my eyes were numb from the drops given by the technician, Dr. Boothe sat down behind my and began ramming things into my eye without a word. I had no idea how many contraptions were used on me, but I imagined at least 3 different objects being painfully shoved onto each eye. Each one made me wince very obviously during the procedure, enough for Dr. Boothe to instruct an assistant to hold my chin up with force, but not enough for him to speak directly to me to ask how I was doing or tell me what he was doing to cause all the pain. Therefore each time I thought the suctioning or shoving was over finally, another painful object would be jammed into some area around my eye. I can?t tell you even now what was happening during the surgery, only that I was being held down wide awake to just sit there and feel every painful moment of the first part of surgery. After that first part ended, I was sat down in the surgery area to recover I suppose to rehash the awful experience. I didn?t realize it was only half the process due to the fact that, again, I was uninformed during the entire surgery. (I do remember Dr. Boothe talking to an assistant about some sport while I was wincing in pain. He did not speak directly to me at all, except for the instruction to keep my chin up.)
Pros: it was cheaper than some places
Cons: Highly unprofessional doctor with horrible bedside manners