The Book Rack is a small used book store specializing in paperbacks and books on tape. Their inventory includes thousands of used paperbacks and audio book rentals. The trade in value is 2 for 1 of same price and type. Books purchased without trade -in are 50% off the cover price.
The books are displayed in alphabetical order by name of author, with separate sections for a variety of categories including fiction, horror, westerns, and mysteries. There is a special expanded section for romance novels and specially priced books. Newer releases are not included in the trade-in option, but are sold separately.
The store is located in a small strip mall, and the space is somewhat cramped. It is less than 3 miles fom downtown Chattanooga, and is open from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday, and 1:00 to 6:00 on Sunday.
The selection can be somewhat limited at times, since the business relies primarily on trade-ins. However, the stacks are relatively well organized and easy to