Good: West Texas has a bookstore that you visit. It is worth the drive from San Antonio. Book Heaven is a destination drive for us to come that far. It is like no other used bookstore around. Lorene's selection of Nora Roberts books and Dean Koontz books is huge.. Bad: I did not like having to leave to go eat lunch. It would be cool if there was a cafe inside the bookstore. But other than that it is worth the drive. I get enough books with my trade in books to last for 3 months. I am always very pleased with the environment and the HUGE selection of fiction paperbacks. San Angelo has a national treasure. LOL. Improvements: I would like to see a beauty shop inside this place. Then I could get my hair done AND read my books.. Other: Hey, Book Heaven is a must see destination if you live within 3 hours of this place. it is definitely worth the drive! I mean if you are already driving to San Angelo, you really need to punch this address in your GPS. You won't leave without buying a book. Its that tempting when I see all the nearly new paperback novels. I just love this place.
Angela Verbuni
San Antonio, TX.