It sounds like you have a personal problem with the director, my grandson started about a month ago, and has ajusted very well , every morning he gets up and wants to go to school and see his teacher Mrs T , he loves it , he is 2 1/2 old and this is the first time that he has enjoyed going to school, we just recently moved up here to opelika , and the responce from my grandson tell it all, childern will tell all and as long as your child showes happiness and contentment then thats who you should listen to .Every day he come home and just with a big smile telling all he did and starts to really talk more , so from reading other posts on this page , looks like you are the only one with a problem, I think you need to grow up and understand personal and business and seperate the diffrents, and not put your personal issues on this site.
Pros: awesome pros