George Boll Personal Injury Attorney is a specialist in all types of personal injury. He is a board-certified personal injury trial attorney with more than 20 years of trial experience. Mr. Boll has successfully litigated and tried cases throughout Texas in both state and federal courts, obtaining millions of dollars in compensation for clients as a result of both jury verdicts and settlements. Mr. Bolls practice is primarily limited to representing individuals and families in death and catastrophic personal injury cases arising from dangerous and defective products, auto and trucking accidents, boating and personal watercraft accidents, workplace accidents, dangerous property conditions, medical negligence and the general negligence of others. Mr. Bolls practice also includes the limited representation of national trailer manufacturers in product liability-related indemnity and warranty claims.. Personal Injury,Wrongful Death,Auto Accident,Truck Accident,18 Wheeler Accident,Boating Accident,Free Consultation