It's a very interesting process to meet and work with thousands of customers every year. Motorcycles are an emotional purchase by people that ride for a very wide range of reasons. Regardless of brand, type of riding one prefers, our common DNA is that we all have a passion for the freedom motorcycles offer us. Motorcycles are fun simply because they are. Bikes also are an escape for many. The demands placed on people by work, under very stressful times, demands on one by family and a galaxy of other concerns make motorcycles more than simply an amusement. It's part of one's future. People look forward to their next ride because the ride is the freedom they crave and the solitude inside that helment that keeps one ""sane"" in a World of ever increasing pressures and distractions. Riding a motorcycle well is a liberation. Setting up one's line in a series of sweet switchbacks, then executing the movements beautifully in seconds in a way is the rider's break through to the other side of life. It's athletic, skill, art, poetry, and confirms that yes indeed joy is to be found in life in a very simple act. Riding well. I can't begin to estimate how many of our customers have smiled and told me they ride ""because it's cheaper than a psychiatrist"". I sincerely wish everyone that visits us could ride away with an expression of pleasure on their face. When we know someone does not, yes, it does keep us awake at night. We think about that on our ""day off"" when in theory we should be doing something for ourselves. We care. I'm on my day off right now thinking about this. My Dog and Cat need a Vet visit. I need to buy groceries. I need a shave. I need to wash my car. I need to ride one of my bikes! People that work at motorcycle shops are carbon based life forms just like people that don't. We share the same requirements, and have the same feelings as do you. We are all alike. I ought to go to Church more often. I ought to sit and take time to enjoy a well shaken Martini more often. But we care. We do our absolute best to please. About twice a year I go home with a bad taste in my mouth because I have to invite someone not to return to see us because it's simply obvious that some expectations are not possible to meet. Some people simply can't be pleased. Picture someone making an attack on a member of your family. A wise person makes an effort to see if the family member is in the wrong and need correction. Just because it's ""your kid"" does not mean they are never in the wrong. A good General Manager has to be fair to the public and our employees. The wisdom of Solomon I do not have. I do have the desire to be fair.
Pros: Most are Very Pleased and Return
Cons: We're Not Perfect