I went in for a 1:00 spa pedicure appointment not knowing what kind of establishment to expect. I hadn't read any of the reviews, but after reading them, I totally agree with all impressions. Creepy, small, crowded, outdated... Unprofessional doesn't even begin to cover the service.
Melvin is the ""spa director"" and Barbara, whom I assume is his wife, works there too. Her paintings, amateur and childish, cheap acrylic pieces, litter every available space. The pedicure area is just as described, a cheap bar stool pulled up to a box covered with a cheap coir front doormat. Also as described, a Conair home pedi-spa thing set up on top of this box. Tepid water, no soaking time, no exfoliation, hardly any foot rubbing, mediocre paint job and some of THE most uncomfortable conversation I've ever had. Ever. Melvin opens the conversation with asking if I'd watched the Republican presidential debate the night before, I tried to dodge the question and it didn't work. Then he started talking to me about his car troubles and asking what I thought was wrong with it. (I'm a stay-at-home mom, not a mechanic, dude.)
I almost felt bad when I left, I swiped my card and left no tip. I told myself that it was ok, because he was the owner of the ""spa""... One to which I will NEVER return.