My introduction to Body Maxx was a gift certificate of 10 sessions with a trainer to help me get back in shape after having my baby. That baby is now 8 years old and I've LOVED go...
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Boutique gym offers personalized fitness and nutrition; each client is analyzed, given customized eating and exercise plans.
Since 1989, our fitness experts at Body Maxx in Los Angeles have been working extensively with each of our members. At Body Maxx we focus on form and physical conditioning, while providing dietary analyses and body composition checks. Our goal is to help you reach your goals and achieve fitness results. Body Maxx helps create a personalized regimen for each individual. Our personal trainers then monitor and regulary update this plan to maximize our clients' mental and physical health. Our professional fitness trainers are always on hand to assist all of our members and clients during their workouts. It is almost as if the members have their own personal trainer without the added cost of hiring one. Experience a difference in your workout and performance. Visit Body Maxx today.
Boutique gym offers personalized fitness and nutrition; each client is analyzed, given customized eating and exercise plans, then closely monitored.