Body Boot Camp?Fitness, Weight Loss & Personal Trainers?Real Results?Call Now!
At Body Boot Camp, you have the support and comfort of your new "workout crew". We don't wear intimidating camo-gear or yell and berate you. You can avoid super large groups, crowded spaces, and instructors who don't remember your name. You will have is an instructor who's dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals at an accelerated rate. Each work-out is different from the last so you never get bored! There is no embarrassment or feeling alone. You'll ALWAYS have a work-out buddy and a direct line to your trainer! Work-outs sessions are for individuals of all fitness levels and are done at a "work at your own pace" rate. Sessions are held 4 days a week, Monday through Thursday so come as much or as you can or as little as you want! Classes are approximately 50 minutes to 1 hour long. Call Us!