IF YOU LOVE YOUR PET..DON'T GO HERE. This VCA hospital has one goal..to charge and overcharge you as much as possible for the worst animal care you'll recieve anywhere. I've been going to Boca Greens for more than decade, but the moment they were sold to VCA, everything changed. Most of the vet doctors quit.
They have given my small dog the wrong diagnosis, charged and overcharged. Took tests that my new vet said were not only harmful for my dog, but not neccessary.
Their lack of medical knowledge and skill is only matched by the CLUELESS HELP AT THE DESK. They are not only rude--they are stupid. Forget asking them even the most basic question. I mentioned to one doctor at the hospital..and she simply said "good help is hard to find."
I will end like I began...
If you love your pet, find a vet that truly cares about an animal's health and not making money on your poor sick dog or cat. If you bring your animal here--expect you animal to get more sick, expect an expensive bill for tests and medications that were not needed, poor and rude service from the unskilled staff.
Read more: http://www.rateitall.com/i-2605720-vca-boca-greens-animal-hospital.aspx#ixzz1SD0eTVUf