Bob Smalley remodeled my mother's kitchen for about $50k. Under NO circumstances should ANYONE use him for even the simplest of jobs. He removed a load bearing wall but failed to put in footings as required by building code! Now she has cracks forming everywhere and he somehow got a bogus permit filed by the city of Paradise AFTER the work was completed! He also failed to measure the appliances even though I gave him all the print outs and specifications months before he made the plans for the cabinets! So we got stuck with a $800 downdraft vent that we could not use and instead had to buy an overhead hood but again he failed to look at it and it was not correct either! We have 4"" inch gaps around the fridge, cracks forming everywhere, the list goes on an on. We now have the contractors board involved however his bond is only $12,000 which won't even come close to repairing the damage he did to my mothers home. And it took him 1.5 years to complete a kitchen! WHATEVER YOU DO NEVER HIRE BOB SMALLEY!