We take great pride in our service and friendliness. We promise to answer the phone and address each customer issue. We will serve your auto needs and offer peace of mind knowing your auto will be fixed properly and timely. We believe in offering the best auto repair service possible while still providing you with the customer service you deserve. The quality A.S.E. (automotive service excellence) certified technicians at Bob Lee’s Auto repair employ today’s latest automotive technology, and are equipped to handle all major & minor repairs as well as complete auto maintenance on all foreign & domestic vehicles. We want your auto repair experience to be as convenient as possible let us know if you need a ride or a rental. We can arrange both. Our excellent team of highly trained, certified and professional technicians work hard to get you back on the road as soon as possible. We are: A.S.E. certified A.S.E. Updated continuously Perform highest quality of service Modern repair facility Computer diagnosis systems All makes and models Our experienced technicians make a conscientious effort to keep a watchful eye for existing problems and ones that might affect your automobile in the future. What is Value? Is it when something is the cheapest? Or is it what you get for your money. When it comes to the automotive industry here are some thoughts to consider: · In order for a shop to do things cheaper what are you giving up? · Does the shop have experienced professionals with ongoing education that are compensated properly or people just learning by trial and error on your car? · Do they carry garage liability insurance in case something happens? · Do they constantly update their information sources and equipment to keep up with today’s technology? · Do they use the best quality parts or just the cheapest they can buy? · How long and how far do they stand behind their work? · Do they offer above and beyond services like shuttle service, loaner cars, service reminders, car care clinics, courtesy checks?