I stopped to fill up with gas from this station, after standing at the pump for what seemed much to long I walked over and looked at the gas needle of my car which registered full, I then walked over and started looking more closely at the pump nozzel and even though the money was still adding up on the tank it felt as if no gas was being pumped out, I slowly pulled the nozzel from out of my tank and it was pumping out NO GAS but I WAS STILL BEING CHARGED AS IF GAS WAS COMING OUT OF THE PUMP!! I tried to get the attendants attention but was unsucessful. I hung up the nozzel and went inside to let her know about the faulty pump. She said the the boy who was working the night before had a complaint from a man about it and for me to call the manager. I did ... she said that was impossible, she knew of no complaints from the night before and I was wrong!! When I asked for her supervisor I was given a phone number that just rings and rings. I filed a complaint with Chevron H.Q. Still waiting.
Pros: price of gas when not over charged.
Cons: Pumps that overcharge!!