It is hard to decide whether i love or hate Blythewood. Joan is all the negative things they say she is. She is disorganized, dismissive, and a bit dishonest. We caught her in a misrepresentation that was a bit sleazy. Her house is disgusting - piles of clothing, magazines, etc. everywhere. She is almost a hoarder. Her adult dogs live their lives in cages, which is disturbing, but that may be standard fare. And she insists on cropping ears, which is just plain silly these days. Most mini Schnauzers that I see do not have cropped ears. But. . . and its a big but. . . the puppy we got is the sweetest, smartest, best socialized puppy I have ever known. He housebroke in a few days - and he learns everything we train him to almost instantly. So, would I recommend this breeder to someone with a short fuse, absolutely not. There is enough that is ""off"" that I wouldn't want to be responsible for someone getting in a big fight with Joan or being totally blown off by her. But, for someone looking for a sweet, smart, trainable pet, I would say hold your nose and go for it. I did.