I was looking for a professional web design company, after experiencing with doing my own site from a template company. I finally realized that I counldn't do what I wanted done. I know that I would at least have to talk to a professional, but I didn't want to spend the money to have a professional do my site. After talking with Eric, the owner, I decided to take a chance, best decision ever. It was rough in the beginning, being a business owner, I'm used to making my own decisions on everything. It took Eric a while to convinced me to leave the designing to him, the professional. After that it was smooth sailing, my site looks totally professional with functions I could never have dream of. Now I know that paying and doing my own site was a total waste of time and money. My competitions can not even copy the options I have on my site. I'm currently working with Blueprint on 2 other projects, this time, no argument from me, I just sit back and let him do his work.