I lost over $1200 to these predators. They claim to set you up with a deal on magazine subscriptions, and bill you up to six months at a time. They targeted me because I was trying to recover from debt and had just gotten my first credit card in a decade. It had a very low credit limit. A friend suggested I make small monthly payments to improve my rating, so I ""subscribed"" to their fast-talk for a deal on a few monthly magazines fro $24,95/month, thinking I could afford that and it would be nice to get a subscription to Time in the deal. They quickly maxed out my credit with their charges and claimed a ""no cancellation allowed"" policy. The card in return cut my limit and listed me as delinquent when I couldn't keep up, driving my interest rate close to 50%. They essentially destroyed my credit for another year, and I lost my apartment due to their shenanigans. I eventually paid off their debt out of pocket. $1200 is a lot of money to someone like me. I don't have words vile enough to describe their practices. Should I add that the credit company who sold them my information was WaMu, known for predatory lending? DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE.
Cons: they are a scam artist company