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Our chickens are never caged and roam free in the pens. We raise and keep the most popular breeds of standard egg layers, meat breeds too, as well as dual purpose heritage breeds, fancy and even rare breeds of chickens. We have many laying hens to assure that you can always add fresh new layers to your coop.
Our goal is to raise and care for our chickens as naturally as possible, and to offer the chickens a wonderful and natural cage free life. We want to teach correct and humane care of poultry. We strive to always give the best of the best.
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If you are starting a fun and recreational backyard hobby,or if you want to start your own chicken business,Blue Star Ranch is the best choice you can make as we offer a good selection of the most popular breeds of laying hens. Blue Star chickens are handled and socialized daily so they make great pets. Or,you can choose hens for egg production. FREE poultry legbands with any purchase.