Naima may come with a degree in horticulture but I feel sure that instinct like hers can't be learned. With awe I watch as flats of annuals, perennials, shrubs, bulbs arrive and are distributed throughout the garden (a small Brooklyn garden, mind you) with dispatch. The end result of color, texture, variety and sculpture looks as untamed and untrained as I requested. I have even seen her do all this at nine months pregnant still sure and becalmed. I know Naima can tailor to any preference as I have heard stories ranging from Brooklyn to the Upper East Side. Her caring for her clients extends, naturally, to the plants and their habitats. She strives to work, for example, with as many native species as possible. It is with a hint of trepidation that I let word of Naima out. She is organized, timely and deeply caring. Only the like minded may apply.