No matter which Blue Medicare SupplementSM plan you choose, you're free to select your own Medicare-participating doctor or visit any Medicare-participating hospital. And in most cases, your Part A and Part B Medicare claims and supplement claims are handled automatically by BCBSNC. If you enroll early, you may be eligible for this plan without waiting periods for pre-existing conditions. Pre-existing conditions are conditions for which medical advice was given or treatment was recommended by or received from a physician within six months before the effective date of coverage. If you wait until after the deadline to enroll, you may have a waiting period for pre-existing conditions. For more information about Blue Medicare SupplementSM plans, including a free rate quote, call Blue Coast Insurance at ( 910 ) 739-1549, or For costs and further details of the coverage, including exclusions, any reductions or limitations and terms under which the policy may be continued in force, contact your agent or the company. 1 Plan A: BMS A, 12/09, Plan B: BMS B, 12/09, Plan C: BMS C, 12/09, Plan D: BMS D, 12/09, Plan F: BMS F, 12/09, HI DED Plan F: BMS HDF, 12/09, Plan G: BMS G, 12/09, Plan K: BMS K, 12/09, Plan L: BMS L, 12/09, Plan M: BMS M, 12/09, Plan N: BMS N, 12/09 2 Based on 2008 Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibits. Health Insurance,Group Health Insurance,Dental,Medicare Supplement,Med Advantage Plans,Drug plans,Long Term Care,Life,and Fixed Annuities.