Issues: arrived late, did not know how to get to the airport, kept the meter running while he was lost, did not have a gps, and lied about the price over the phone\r
When I called blue bird taxi, I asked how much a ride to the airport would be and was told it would be $54, however, after browsing their website, I found a flat rate of $48. My driver picked me up 9 minutes late. Before getting in the taxi, I asked if they accepted credit cards (I would have gotten cash from my car if necessary). He said yes but failed to mention the $3 additional charge when using the credit card. When I got in the taxi there were no working seat belts in the back seat and the door was being held together by duck tape. The driver then asked me if I knew how to get to the airport. The blue bird taxi website advertised that each of their cars had a gps so I had not looked up directions. I told him I would look up directions on my iPhone but rather than giving me time to plug in the address, he began driving. By the time the directions loaded he had turned around two times but kept the meter running. Due to his tardiness and getting lost, I arrived to the airport over 20 minutes later than I should have. He then asked me for my card, looked at it for 3 minutes, and then told me I had to call his company to give them the information. I was then on the phone with blue bird taxi for another 4 minutes. Despite the fact that I told the woman on the phone that I was in a rush after arriving to the airport late, she put me on hold twice during out conversation. The total cost of the ride was $74.80 (opposed to the $54 that I was told I would be charged) in addition to the $3.00 charge for using a credit card. \r
The following day, I called the company to explain my situation, expecting them to compensate me for the trouble and the additional charge. Instead, the woman I spoke to kept putting me on hold and rudely interrupted me as I explained the situation. She also denied having a flat rate of $48 and told me she could only refund me for the difference in the price she told me, not the flat rate or the credit card charge. When I asked to speak to the manager, he was rude and also denied the flat rate of $48. \r
The taxi itself was dirty, was not equipped with a gps (as advertised on the website), and all people that I dealt with were rude. \r