Let me preface this review by saying that I used to like Blossom Music Center more than I do now. I still love this location for the orchestra in the summer, but any other show, forget about it.
For orchestra performances, you can still bring in your picnic, including wine and glassware, silverware, china, etc... (and you'll see people with full table linens and centerpieces set on short legged tables in the lawn). The whole scene is lovely, refined and the music is exquisite.
The other shows at Blossom however I feel are overpriced and the security, etc... is overbearing. You're lucky you're allowed to bring a purse inside the facility. The parking lot is crawling with state troopers, as are the streets surrounding the grounds. I don't like feeling like I'm on lockdown when I've paid upwards of $35 for a ticket to a show. I realize there are always a few bad apples in a crowd, but please, find them instead of pestering the rest of the patrons.
That said, otherwise, Blossom is a beautiful spot to hear the orchestra on a warm summer's evening - forget the pavillion seats, you'll be happy as a clam on the lawn.