We took our dog to clinic on a Sun & spent over $600 for multip tests with no clear diagnosis. Our dog was lethargic,vomitting & w/ bloody diar. The vet stated that if the dog had Parvo, then it would cost about $3000 to treat him & that they would keep him @ the clinic overnight. The Parvo test was neg though, so vet did more tests but was unable to get a diagnosis other than hookworms & an infection. She prescribed antibio & dewormer & sent him home. Within 5 hrs, our dog was so ill that he could not stand up. We rushed him back to the clinic & he died within 5 mins of being there. I asked the new vet why they sent him home earlier if he was so sick. She stated that the notes on the chart said they had "offered" hospitilization but we refused. They did not "offer" hospitilization. They told us that if our dog had a positive Parvo test, then they would hospitalize & it would be about $3000 but theParv test was neg. I returned the next day & spoke with the clinic mnger, & told her that the chart notes weren't accurate. No one told us our dog was so sick that he needed to be hospitalized that day or he would die. I also told her that we were NOT sent home with any paperwork as the chart stated. Despite acknowledging that the chart was not accurate pertaining to the pwork, she insisted that the remainder of chart was accurate & dismissed our complaints regarding the other discrepancies. She stated that we refused hospitiliz for our dog. We did not refuse hospit! I told her the only time hospit was discussed was when they were waiting for Parvo results but that test was neg. The manager told us that when they "offer" hospit, then that means they feel that hospit. is necessary. 1st of all, the only time hospit was discussed was while waiting for Parv results & it was something to be considered in future if the Parv was Pos. It was never discussed/presented to us that our dog needed to be hospit that day. The mngr insisted otherwise and blamed us and said that we refused hospit due to the cost. Ridiculous!