At Blanket Real Estate We Cover All Your Needs. We are a full service real estate firm specializing in business and commercial brokerage. We represent clients with acquisitions, divestments, assemblage, leasing, site selection, business and real estate valuations (for listing purposes), management consulting, property management and mystery shopping services.
We have been representing sellers and buyers in CT & NY since 1984. Having a background in business ownership and consulting along with a passion for negotiating the best price we can for our clients has given us a unique reputation for being one of the few brokerages that are experienced with business buying & selling along with any real estate owned or leased. We do it all after more than 30 years experience we know the ins and outs of business brokering and commercial real estate sales and leasing.
One of our divisions owned a real estate franchise several years ago. That experience helps us market and locate residential properties for our clients and customers.
This is where our slogan came from...We Cover All Your Needs...for your business, residential real estate, making an investment and commercial real estate.