What do we do? You could do a Google search for networking companies, help desks, IT Support, laptop desktop repair, server installation D.S.L. T1 spyware (Let me catch my breath) and read all that geek talk from the other companies. Let us save you some time, we not only do what the others claim they do, we do it in a much cooler way. Cheaper, faster, better and without the magic tricks that translate into big invoices. Why do we do this? Because we are cool. For those of you who insist on a list…here is a brief overview of our services Server, Workstation, Software, Hardware and Network Installation, Maintenance & Repair Virus, Spyware and Malware Removal & Protection Remote, Phone, In-Home and Onsite Consultation & Support Training for your IT personnel on the basics Data Backup and Retrieval All-around Technical Therapy We don't service laptop computers.