I am giving them one star because that is the least you can give. Negotiated a rate with this company $900 including $100 Tip for Driver and $250 security deposit, send him a check for $650 a month before. Bus shows up to take us to Cardinals Game, I give the driver the $250 security deposit. We get to the game, I get a message to call the owner Greg from Driver. I call the number and this clown start F**king and cursing at me, not able to get a word in edgeways, says I needed to give the driver another $250 in the next 10 minutes or the bus leaves and abandons and he hangs up on me. I sprint from arena and give the driver the $250. Turns out this guy needed the balance paid before the service was completed, nobody told me and who pays for something completely before the job is complete. Anyway this guy is a piece of work and as a business owner warn you to stay away from him, I have never been treated so badly and this guy pretty much ruined my outing as I was angry for the rest of the day.